Application of plant growth regulators in Camellia planting

Camellia, an evergreen shrub or small tree, can reach 3-4m in height. The flowers are solitary and opposite in the leaf axils or branch tops. The petals are nearly round. The variants have 50-60 double petals. The colors of the flowers are red, white, yellow, and purple.....
1. Promote seed germination:
Gibberellic Acid GA3
Camellia seeds germinate very slowly after sowing. Soaking the seeds in 100mg/L Gibberellic Acid GA3 for 24 hours can promote seed germination and seedling growth.
2: Promote rooting of cuttings:
Indole Acetic Acid (IAA); Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA); 1-Naphthyl Acetic Acid (NAA)
150mg/L IAA, 100mg/L IBA or NAA, 150mg/L IAA+NAA (1:1mix) and IBA+NAA (1:1mix) have the best effect on promoting rooting of camellia cuttings.
3.Control flowering period:
Gibberellic Acid GA3
To control the flowering of early and medium flowering varieties of camellia before National Day, 5000mg/L Gibberellic Acid GA3 can be used to drip buds 2~3 times every 10~20d, which can achieve satisfactory results.