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Introduction to the plant growth regulator 6-Benzylaminopurine

Date: 2023-08-15 23:03:12
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Introduction to the plant growth regulator 6-Benzylaminopurine

6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  has a variety of physiological effects:
1.  Promote cell division and have cytokinin activity;
2.  Promote differentiation of non-differentiation tissues;
3.  Promote cell enlargement and growth;
4.  Promote seed germination;
5.  Induce the growth of dormant buds;
6.  Inhibit or promote the elongation of stems and leaves;
7.  Inhibit or promote root growth;
8.  Inhibit leaf aging;
9.  Break the top advantage and promote the growth of lateral buds;
10.  Promote flower bud formation and flowering;
11.  Inducing female traits;
12.  Promote fruit setting;
13.  Promote fruit growth;
14.  Induce tuber formation;
15.  Material transportation and accumulation;
16.  Inhibit or promote breathing;
17.  Promote evaporation and stomata opening;
18. high damage resistance;
19.  Inhibit the decomposition of chlorophyll;
20.  Promote or inhibit enzyme activity, etc.

6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA) usage technology

1.  6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA) Inhibit leaf aging
Rice: Using 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  at a concentration of 10mg/l at the 1-1.5 leaf stage of rice seedlings can prevent aging and improve the survival rate.

2.  6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  Preserve flowers and fruits.
For watermelons and cantaloupes, apply 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  at a concentration of 100mg/l on the fruit stalk on the day of flowering to promote fruit setting.

For pumpkins and zucchini, apply 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA) at a concentration of 100mg/l on the fruit stalk before flowering and on the same day to promote fruit setting.

3.  6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA) Inducing female traits
Cucumber: Soaking the roots of seedlings for 24 hours before transplanting with 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  at a concentration of 15mg/l can achieve the effect of increasing female flowers.

4.  6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA) relieve aging and preserve freshness.
For cabbage, spraying or dipping the leaves with 30 mg/l 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  after harvest can extend the storage period.

Bell peppers can be sprayed with 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  at a concentration of 10-20mg/l on the leaves before harvesting or soaked after harvesting to extend the storage period.

Lychees can be stored for extend periods of time by soaking them in 100 mg/l 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  for 1-3 minutes after harvesting.

5.  6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA) Promote fruit setting
Grapes: Use 100 mg/l 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  to soak grape bunches before flowering and soak inflorescences during flowering to promote fruit setting and form seedless grapes.

For tomatoes, dipping or spraying the inflorescences with 100 mg/l 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  during flowering can promote fruit setting and air-raid shelters.

Precautions when use 6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)
6-Benzylaminopurine(6-BA)  is used to preserve green leaves.  It is effective when used alone, and the effect is better when mixed with GA3(Gibberellic Acid )
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