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Development status of China's plant growth regulator industry in 2024

Date: 2024-05-17
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Plant growth regulator is a type of substance that significantly regulates or controls the growth and development process of plants. 

These substances can be synthetic chemicals, produced through microbial fermentation, or extracted directly from plants. In agricultural production, plant growth regulators are widely used to regulate the growth and development process of crops to achieve the purpose of stabilizing production, increasing income, and improving quality.

The market of China's plant growth regulator industry is increasing year by year. According to data, China's plant growth regulator market was approximately 6.391 billion yuan in 2017, and has grown to 9.1 billion yuan by 2023. This growth trend shows that with the development of agricultural modernization and ecological agriculture, plant growth regulators are increasingly used in agricultural production, and market demand is also increasing.
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